How often are coaching sessions?
Usually once a week to start until we build some momentum. Some clients then move to every two to four weeks once they're in maintenance mode. In the first few sessions we work together to decide what the best approach will be for you, your schedule, and your needs.
Where do sessions take place?
Sessions are held on Google Meet, a free video calling tool available to anyone with a google account. Meeting online allows us to work together even if we're not in the same city, state or even time zone.
What is your coaching approach?
Broadly speaking, I approach each client with openness, warmth and curiosity, and adapt based on your needs and goals. Each session can look different but might include a mindfulness practice, experiential exercises that help you evoke insight and awareness, learning and practicing evidence-based mental health skills and strategies, and exploring ways to integrate new skills into your life in ways that help you heal and thrive.
What can coaching help with?
A variety of things! I've supported clients with topics such as:
relationship challenges
gaining confidence and overcoming self-doubt
stress and anxiety management
support through difficult transitions (e.g., divorce, career change, caring for aging parents, personal health challenges and ageing, retirement, etc)
overcoming a lack of purpose and direction
success and growth mindset
social anxiety
mild depression
struggling with procrastination and motivation
improving difficult workplace dynamics
building skills to help with ADHD
How is mental health coaching different to life coaching?
This is an important question with no simple answer but here are some key differences:
Training: a mental health coach should have extensive training in evidence-based practices designed to support mental health and flourishing.
Focus: Where a life coach takes a general view of your life, a mental health coach focuses on your mental health and emotional wellbeing as a foundation since these aspects dictate how you function in life and relate to the world around you. There is an emphasis on building awareness and skills that supports you in navigating life's challenges with greater ease, while promoting greater wellbeing and flourishing in life.
​Note: Coaching is an unregulated industry. This means that anyone can call themselves a coach. It is important to do your research and find someone who has adequate training. Some well-respected training certifications include ICF, iPEC, or NCHWC.
How is mental health coaching different to therapy?
Another important question! Here are some key points:
Training: a mental health coach should have extensive training in evidence-based practices designed to support mental health and flourishing. A licensed therapist has received training in specific areas and is more qualified to support with more severe mental health issues such as severe depression, substance use disorders, mental illness, or PTSD.
Severity: While it's normal for us to experience some anxiety or depression in life, the severity and impact of these issues also dictates the best type of care for your needs. If your symptoms are severely impacting your day to day, then it's likely that working with a therapist will be best, at least until your symptoms ease.
Focus: Generally speaking, coaching focuses on the present and while we may address things from the past as they relate to the present, there is not an extensive emphasis on past events. Therapy makes more space to address the past, and especially past experiences that might be significantly impeding present functioning.